Where can you use ShoeShoes
ShoeShoes help you keep your car, home, classrooms and other spaces clean and germ free
Reusable Shoe Covers
that help you keep the dirt away from your indoor spaces
Where did ShoeShoe come from?
“I don’t like it when the floor in my classroom is not clean because kids track in dirt with their shoes. That’s why I want everyone to use ShoeShoes.”
ShoeShoe was started by a mother-and-son team who want simple solutions for everyday shoe problems.

Why use Shoeshoes's Shoe Covers
An Affordable, Fun Alternative
You won’t foot some giant bill with us. One of the biggest benefits of ShoeShoes is affordability. Instead of needing to buy multiple pairs of indoor shoes for growing feet, our product straddles five different sizes. If the shoe fits, wear it…… and ours will!
ShoeShoes even showcase a little foot fashion. They come in a variety of fun colors and patterns, giving kids a chance to express themselves. Children can pull them on easily, with no need to take their tennis shoes or hi-tops off.
ShoeShoes are designed to last through pitter and patter – you can wash them, wear them, and reuse them over and over again.
Why Use Shoe Covers?
Shoes track in dirt and germs from streets, sidewalks, lawns, public buildings, and alleys. Researchers from the University of Arizona discovered that a shoe’s exterior, on average, contains 421,000 units of bacteria, including fecal bacteria. In fact, the typical shoe is dirtier than the typical toilet seat. That makes your floors just as dirty too. ShoeShoes offer a fix- they are reusable, washable, fun covers that keep the indoors free of outside elements. It’s learning and living covered in wellness.
Why Use Shoe Covers?
ShoeShoes were developed specifically for schools that don’t follow an indoor-shoe policy (where outside shoes are swapped with those reserved for indoor use), but ShoeShoes are not limited to academic settings. You can use ShoeShoes in cars, in homes, or in offices – anywhere you want clean floors and peace of mind. Now, more than ever, hygiene matters and we’ve got you covered… literally!

Cleaner learning and living environments

Less exposure to pollutants and contaminants

More sanitary classrooms, cars, and homes

Less time spent vacuuming, sweeping, or mopping

Longer-lasting floor coverings

Serenity For teachers and parents
Our Reusable Shoe Covers are
available in variety of colors and
patterns for kids and adults.

Prevent slipping
on any surface

Ensures good fit
over most shoes

Dedicated space to write
name at the back
From our customers
Reusable Shoe Covers
that help you keep the dirt away from your indoor spaces